What is Bionector TKO® SAS?
“The Bionector TKO® is a CT-rated needle-free device for use during pressure injection to maintain a totally closed system”
Why Choose Bionector TKO®?
Bionector TKO® is making catheter occlusion a thing of the past as this easy to use, innovative product has been specifically designed and is proven to reduce catheter occlusion by controlling the bi-directional flow of fluid, infusate and catheter tip blood reflux. Occlusions can be commonplace in patients with vascular access lines. This is accepted as normal, with occlusion and their consequences being dealt with as a matter of routine. The most common are; thrombotic occlusions when blood or clotting agents accumulate inside the catheter. Persistent withdrawal occlusion when fibrin is aspirated into the catheter. But occlusions cost you money. Anticoagulant treatment is expensive, nursing time is increased, and lines may need to be replaced if they can’t be cleared. Occlusions also affect your patients as treatment cant be delivered as needed, they may need to stay in hospital for longer, there’s an increased risk of infection, and if the line cant be unblocked they have to undergo a second placement procedure. However, Bionector TKO eliminates the need for heparin flushes in mid to long-term catheters.
Reduces Thrombotic Occlusions by Preventing Blood Reflux From:
- Syringe and giving set disconnections
- Syringe plunger rebound
- IV bag running dry
- Venous pressure changes.
It is Also Clinically Proven to Reduce:
- Catheter occlusions by 88% (50.4 to 5.8 per 1,000 catheter days)*
- Loss of IV catheter by 91% (9% to 0.8%)*
- Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) usage by 85%* .
It has a wide variety of uses including:
- Orthopaedics
- Diabetics
- Infectious diseases
- Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)
“Bionector TKO® is an easy to use, innovative product, which is designed and proven to help greatly reduce catheter occlusions.”
Clinically Proven to Reduce Loss of IV Catheter by 91%
An innovative, successful and specifically designed product to reduce occlusions.
Helping you to Save Money
By eliminating occlusions, Bionector TKO saves you money and nursing time.
“89.8% reduction in occlusions!*”
*County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust looked at the impact of using Bionector TKO, versus standard Bionector, on occlusion and line removal rates of midline catheters. The study size was 261 midline catheters delivering a total of 2,937 catheter days.
Technical Information:
- Needlefree extension set Extension line self administration set (sas) with bionector tko 27cm tube with clamp PUR
- Patented “To keep Open” (TKO) valve
- 100% bi-directional fluid control
- Valve opening pressure 0.43 pst (22.4mm Hg)
- Flow rate > 50ml per minute
- Withdrawal pressure 7.0 psi (29x vascular resistance)
- Power inject up to 350 psi**
- Low flow rate for neonatal care
- Straight fluid pathway
Contact us today to find out more Bionector TKO® SAS
- Is simple and easy to use
- Innovative design
- Protects from all known causes of catheter reflux
- Has a low flow rate for neonatal care
- Reduces catheter occlusions by 88%.
Bionector TKO® combines the market-leading needle-free device with a valve that quite simply stops catheter tip reflux. With Bionector TKO® the valve opens on injection and infusion to allow administration of IV therapy. Then, the valve closes instantaneously on disconnection, holding the fluid column in place and preventing reflux at the catheter tip.
Watch our video to find out more…